Why do I choose the Philinter? I think I have to thank my friend and my agent Wensley and Liz first. Because they introduced some language schools to me, and help me choose the school which is the most suitable for me. Therefore, I knew the Philinter more. Now I want to tell you the three reasons I choose Philinter, and I will show you what’s my experience in these three weeks.
First, it's good teachers. When I was in the classes, I could feel the teachers caring all students and they tried to make the classes more interesting even if the students didn’t understand what teachers said and although most of the teachers had accent, some of them still didn’t have it.
Second, I don’t want to have a lot of people who can speak in Chinese in the school. Because if there is a lot of people speaking Chinese, you won’t speak English. In Philinter, most of the students are from Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand so you always need to speak English with your friends. So I have many foreign friends now, and we usually go out every weekend.
Third, I want to have my own time after school. We could choose to eat dinner outside or in the school. By the way, I think the food is good in the school. In conclusion, regardless of the environment, the food or the teachers, I think it’s really good especially the teachers.
BTW. The most shocking thing I ever had in The Philippines was my pronunciation of /æ/ and /ɛ/. 我從來都不知道自己的發音是錯的,甚至我以往認為的兩個發音的差別都是錯的,原來我根本無法察覺、辨識兩者間的差異,直到遇見他們。大家還超熱心,告訴我各種訓練嘴巴肌肉的方法,像是早上起來肌肉還沒喚醒時最適合,或是唸一個字來練習,但我忘記是哪個字了哈哈哈。然後還找了Youtube影片甚至是Vowel Charts試圖讓學會,但我連兩個差別都聽不太出來,要學會恐怕是雕朽木了;更慘的是隔天體驗課程直接變幾乎整堂pronunciation…
最後要感謝新飛,讓我對東南亞有了不一樣的見解,也重新認識菲律賓,還有這趟旅程認識的大家,讓一切回味更加甘甜。真的很感謝Ted,不論是各種任務的指派、經驗的分享或是對我的信任...甚至連與當地學校簽訂的合約都整份讓我看;這趟實習真的受益匪淺,三言兩語道不盡,只可惜太忙了沒時間一起潛水XD 也感謝企管系的學長Richard,才能有這次的菲律賓實習機會。 Additionally, thank Gerlie, Gie, and Riza. If it’s not you, everything would be more difficult. Thanks to being so kind to me, and helping me a lot.